Tag Archives: don’t be so sure

What do you know?

My well-read, overachiever lady friend spends a good portion of our evenings and weekends psychoanalyzing our belly-driven, rescue dog.

My answer to most of her theories? I don’t know.

At work, I encounter all sorts of debates—can a twitter post sell a twenty-thousand-dollar business management solution?

My answer to most of these questions? I don’t know.

And then there’s the unavoidable political discussion that’s found its way into practically every facet of our American existence these days.

How can a wealthy New York turd like Trump be our president? I have a few thoughts, but ultimately I just don’t know.

Living and working in a world of sales pitches and explanation marks, signs of uncertainty are certain death among the judgmental masses.

Why does indecision feel like a liability these days? To be honest, I just don’t know.

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